Recent Papers

Volume15 - 2025

1. Evaluation of phylloplane fungal flora on host plant families in the Maharashtra state of India
Dubey R, Neelima AM (2025)

Volume 14 - 2024

12. First record of Fusarium cortaderiae on climbing asparagus (Asparagus scandens): an invasive plant species in New Zealand
Tang T et al. (2024)

11. A checklist of wild mushrooms in Mizoram, Northeast India
Thachunglura VL et al. (2024)

10. Characterization and Pathogenicity of Phytopathogenic Fungi Associated with Pinus pinea in Northeastern Tunisia: Implications for Forest Health in the Mediterranean Basin.
Hlaiem S et al. (2024)

9. Diseases of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and Sustainable Management in Asia
Aumentado HD, Balendres MA (2024)

8. Nigrospora macarangae associated with Ficus pumila leaf spots in Guangdong province, China
Li H et al. (2024)

7. Exploring the efficacy of different fungicides in controlling Botrytis cinerea outbreaks in strawberry
Monteiro FP et al. (2024)

6. Detection and identification of Aspergillus aculeatinus in corn seeds and milled products in Laguna, Philippines
Seco MN et al. (2024)

5. Potency of aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) and bell pepper (Capcicum annum L.) in the control of Aspergillus niger in causing black mold disease of processed groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds
Gwa VI, Iliyasu A (2024)

4. Characterization and pathogenicity of Aspergillus carbonarius on Coffea excelsa causing berry rot and premature fall in Southern Philippines
Sumaya NPDN et al. (2024)

Volume 8 - 2018 - Index

Issue 1

1. Isolation of Calonectria sulawesiensis from soil in Thailand and its pathogenicity against Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Jessadarom H, Phetruang W, Haitook S, Cheewangkoon R
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(1), 1–8, Doi 10.5943/ppq/8/1/1

2. Phyllosticta capitalensis sporulating on ginkgo leaves in Taiwan
Kirschner R
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(1), 10–13, Doi 10.5943/ppq/8/1/2

3. First record of Leptoxyphium madagascariense (Dothideomycetes, Capnodiales) from sugarcane juice
Abdel-Sater MA, Moubasher AH, Soliman Z
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(1), 15–22, Doi 10.5943/ppq/8/1/3

4. Growth responses of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) to inoculation with Trichoderma viride, mancozeb and Sclerotium rolfsii in sterile and non-sterile soils
Ekundayo EA, Ekundayo FO, Osibote IA, Boboye BE, Adetuyi FC
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(1), 24–35, Doi 10.5943/ppq/8/1/4

5. Augmented maize seed germination and seedling growth under water stress using Trichoderma harzianum from semi-arid soils
Chepsergon J, Mwamburi LA, Kiprop KE
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(1), 37–46, Doi 10.5943/ppq/8/1/5

6. Erysiphe australiana causing powdery mildew on crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) in Mexico
Márquez-Licona G, Solano-Báez AR, Pérez-López M, Leyva-Mir SG, Tovar-Pedraza JM
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(1), 48–51, Doi 10.5943/ppq/8/1/6

7. A modified digital formula as identification tool for thyriotheceous foliicolous fungi and their anamorphs
Lini KM, Neeta NN, Jacob T, Swapna S
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(1), 53–56, Doi 10.5943/ppq/8/1/7

8. Record of a new host of the wood-rotting fungus Hexagonia tenuis
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(1), 58–62, Doi 10.5943/ppq/8/1/8

9. First report of the rust fungus Phragmidium mexicanum from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Fahad M, Fiaz M, Ullah S, Rehman H, Shariq M, Majid A, Alam J
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(1), 63–66

10. In vitro evaluation of commonly available fungicides against three fungal isolates
Ullah S, Naz F, Fiaz M, Sher H, Hussain S,Ahmad S, Khalid AN
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(1), 67–77

11. Diversity of powdery mildew fungi from North Western Himalayan Region of Himachal Pradesh – a checklist
Gautam AK, Avasthi S
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(1), 78–99

12. Differentiation among Sclerotium rolfsii isolates in response to saponins treatment
Abdel-Rahman SS, Omar SA, Ali AAM
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(1), 100–109

Issue 2

13. Fungi associated with foliar diseases of Tecoma stans in Tlaxcala, Mexico
Santiago-Santiago V, Ayala-Escobar V, Nava-Díaz C, Solano-Báez AR, Tovar-Pedraza JM
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(2), 110–115

14. First record of Rhizopus oryzae from stored apple fruits in Saudi Arabia
Al-Dhabaan FA
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(2), 116–121

15. Controlling phytophthora blight of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) in a derived savannah, using different spray intervals of a registered fungicide
Aba SC, Eze SC, Ishieze PU, Omeje TE, Ugwuoke KI
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(2), 122–130

16. A new morphotype of Golovinomyces neosalviae infecting Salvia officinalis
Götz M, Idczak E, Richert-Pöggeler K, Braun U
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(2), 131–139

17. First report of squash leaf curl virus detected in Proboscidea louisianica in Mexico
Díaz-Nájera JF, Ayvar-Serna S, Vargas-Hernández M, Sahagún-Castellanos J, Alvarado-Gómez OG, Tejeda-Reyes MA
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(2), 140–143

18. Efficacy of Allium sativum extract as post-harvest treatment of fruit rot of mango
Nur Fatimma A, Munirah MS, Sharifah Siti Maryam SAR, Najihah A, Nur Ain Izzati MZ
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(2), 144–152

19. Are pathogenic isolates of Stemphylium host specific and cosmopolitan?
Brahamanage RS, Hyde KD, Li XH, Jayawardena RS, McKenzie EHC, Yan JY
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(2), 153–164

20. Colletotrichum tropicale causal agent of anthracnose on noni plants (Morinda citrifolia) in Guerrero, Mexico
Ayvar-Serna S, Díaz-Nájera JF, Plancarte-Galán PJ, Vargas-Hernández M, Alvarado-Gómez OG, Tejeda-Reyes MA, Mena-Bahena A
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 8(2), 165–169

About Plant Pathology & Quarantine

Plant Pathology & Quarantine Online publishes reviews, research articles, methodology papers, and taxonomic works in the field of plant pathology. The official journal language is English.


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    Department of Plant Pathology
    Agriculture College
    Guizhou University
    Guiyang 550025
    People’s Republic of China