Recent Papers
Volume 14 - 2024
12. First record of Fusarium cortaderiae on climbing asparagus (Asparagus scandens): an invasive plant species in New Zealand
Tang T (2024)
11. A checklist of wild mushrooms in Mizoram, Northeast India
Thachunglura VL et al. (2024)
10. Characterization and Pathogenicity of Phytopathogenic Fungi Associated with Pinus pinea in Northeastern Tunisia: Implications for Forest Health in the Mediterranean Basin.
Hlaiem S et al. (2024)
9. Diseases of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and Sustainable Management in Asia
Aumentado HD, Balendres MA (2024)
8. Nigrospora macarangae associated with Ficus pumila leaf spots in Guangdong province, China
Li H et al. (2024)
7. Exploring the efficacy of different fungicides in controlling Botrytis cinerea outbreaks in strawberry
Monteiro FP et al. (2024)
6. Detection and identification of Aspergillus aculeatinus in corn seeds and milled products in Laguna, Philippines
Seco MN et al. (2024)
5. Potency of aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) and bell pepper (Capcicum annum L.) in the control of Aspergillus niger in causing black mold disease of processed groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds
Gwa VI, Iliyasu A (2024)
4. Characterization and pathogenicity of Aspergillus carbonarius on Coffea excelsa causing berry rot and premature fall in Southern Philippines
Sumaya NPDN et al. (2024)
3. A comprehensive checklist of fungal species associated with Shorea robusta (Sal tree) in South Asia: taxonomic diversity and ecological insights
Tarafder E et al. (2024)
Volume 2 - 2012 - Index
1. Construction and characterization of a genomic library of Colletotrichum horii from persimmon
Sun H, Zhang JZ, Zhang LL, Hyde KD
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(1), 1–8, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/1/1/
2. New fungi from Western Ghats. India
Hosagoudar VB and Sabeena A
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 3(1), 10–14, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/1/2
3. Pythium induced phenolic compounds in the resistance of Vitis vinifera to Botrytis cinerea
Bala K, Paul B
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(1), 16-23, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/1/3/
4. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, the causal agent of citrus anthracnose in Guizhou Province
Jiang YL, Tan P, Zhou XY, Hou XL, Wang Y
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(1), 25–29, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/1/4/
5. Bipolaris cactivora causing fruit rot of dragon fruit imported from Vietnam
He PF, Ho H, Wu XX, Hou MS, He YQ
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(1), 31-35, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/1/5/
6. Identity of powdery mildew on Senna in Mexico
Rodríguez-Alvarado G, Soto-Plancarte A, Fernández-Pavía SP, Betancourt-Resendes I, Braun U
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(1), 37–42, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/1/6/
7. Comprehensive check list of Cercosporoid fungi from Iran
Bakhshi M, Arzanlou M and Babai-Ahari A
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(1), 44-55, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/1/7
8. Tropical phytopathogens 2: Pseudocercospora fuligena
Phengsintham P, Chukeatirote E, McKenzie EHC, Hyde KD, Braun U
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(1), 57–62, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/1/8
9. Bipolaris spicifera isolates with unusual conidial germination pattern on sunflower from Iran
Arzanlou M, Khodaei S
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(1), 64–68, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/1/9
10. Cercospora senecionis-walkeri – a new leaf-spotting hyphomycete from Laos and Thailand
Phengsintham P, Chukeatirote E, McKenzie EHC, Hyde KD, Braun U
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(1), 70–73, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/1/10
11. Screening of mycota associated with Aijung rice seed and their effects on seed germination and seedling vigour
Islam NF, Borthakur SK
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(1), 75–85, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/1/11
12. Diversity studies on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in vegetable crop plants of Goa, India
Dessai SA, Rodrigues BF
Pathology & Quarantine 2(1), 87–101, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/2/1
13. Foliar diseases on tea and maté in Argentina caused by Pseudocercospora species
Braun U, Rybak M, Rybak R, Cabrera MG
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(2), 103–110, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/2/2
14. Cercospora habenariicola, a new record for India
Patil A, Patil MS, Dangat BT
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(2), 112–115, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/2/3
15. Fruit rot of olive (Olea europaea) caused by Truncatella angustata
Arzanlou M, Torbati M, Jafary H
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(2), 117–123, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/2/4
16. Morphological and molecular characterization of Cercospora zebrina from black bindweed in Iran
Bakhshi M, Arzanlou M, Babai-Ahari A
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(2), 125–130, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/2/5
17. ITS-rDNA sequences differentiate a new lineage of Diplodia associated with canker disease of apple in Iran
Arzanlou M, Bakhshi M
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(2), 132–141, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/2/6
18. Molecular identification of Macrophomina phaseolina by microsatellite-based fingerprint
Asran-Amal A
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(2), 143–151, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/2/7
19. Reducing phytophthora fruit rot in eggplant and tomato fruits using rice straw and swine manure
Asran-Amal A
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(2), 153–160, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/2/8
20. Golovinomyces orontii and other powdery mildews on Rosmarinus officinalis
Wichura A, Braun U, Weber RWS, Hildebrands A
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(2), 162–166, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/2/9
21. Ultrastructural characterization of infection and colonization of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in onion
Panday SS, Alberto RT, Labe MS
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(2), 168–177, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/2/10
22. Influence of some biotic and abiotic inducers on Fusarium wilt disease incidence of lupin (Lupinus albus) on disease resistance and protein pattern
Mohamed HI, Abd El-Rahman SS, Mazen MM
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(2), 179–188, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/2/11
23. Colletotrichum sansevieriae on Sansevieria trifasciata – a report from Madhya Pradesh, India
Gautam AK, Avasthi S, Bhadauria R
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 2(2), 190–192, doi 10.5943/ppq/2/2/12