Recent Papers
Volume 14 - 2024
12. First record of Fusarium cortaderiae on climbing asparagus (Asparagus scandens): an invasive plant species in New Zealand
Tang T (2024)
11. A checklist of wild mushrooms in Mizoram, Northeast India
Thachunglura VL et al. (2024)
10. Characterization and Pathogenicity of Phytopathogenic Fungi Associated with Pinus pinea in Northeastern Tunisia: Implications for Forest Health in the Mediterranean Basin.
Hlaiem S et al. (2024)
9. Diseases of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and Sustainable Management in Asia
Aumentado HD, Balendres MA (2024)
8. Nigrospora macarangae associated with Ficus pumila leaf spots in Guangdong province, China
Li H et al. (2024)
7. Exploring the efficacy of different fungicides in controlling Botrytis cinerea outbreaks in strawberry
Monteiro FP et al. (2024)
6. Detection and identification of Aspergillus aculeatinus in corn seeds and milled products in Laguna, Philippines
Seco MN et al. (2024)
5. Potency of aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) and bell pepper (Capcicum annum L.) in the control of Aspergillus niger in causing black mold disease of processed groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds
Gwa VI, Iliyasu A (2024)
4. Characterization and pathogenicity of Aspergillus carbonarius on Coffea excelsa causing berry rot and premature fall in Southern Philippines
Sumaya NPDN et al. (2024)
3. A comprehensive checklist of fungal species associated with Shorea robusta (Sal tree) in South Asia: taxonomic diversity and ecological insights
Tarafder E et al. (2024)
Volume 13 - 2023 - Index
1. Quarantine Border Management of Tilletia Associated with Wheat Grain: Indonesia Perspective
Tasrif A, Taufik M, Dikin A
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 13(1), 1–10
2. Distribution of foliicolous fungi in diverse forest types of Maharashtra State of India
Dubey R, Pandey AD
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 13(1), 11–30
3. Grain mould fungi of sorghum caryopses in Benishangul Gumuz, Ethiopia
Kebede M, Alemu H, Legesse T
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 13(1), 31–47
4. Chemical control of Septoria lycopersici in vitro as first screening for fungicide efficacy studies
Monteiro FP, Ogoshi C, Mallmann G
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 13(1), 48–54
5. Biological characteristics of Diplodia sapinea f. sp. cupressi infecting Cupressus sempervirens L. in Tunisia
Hlaiem S, Ben Jamâa ML
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 13(1), 55–62
6. First report of Pyrrhoderma noxium from rice in northern Thailand
Absalan S, Jayawardena RS, Bundhun D, Jungkhun N, Lumyong S
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 13(1), 63–70
7. Ampelomyces quisqualis – a remarkable mycoparasite on Cucucrbita maxima powdery mildew from Satara (M.S.) India
Thite SV, Pise NM, Bagal SN, Chavan CD
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 13(1), 71–74
8. Validation of a generic model for predicting garlic rust
Mallmann G, Fernandes JMC, Monteiro FP, Valmorbida J, Wamser AF, Lins Junior JC
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 13(1), 75–83
9. First report of Podosphaera sp. (Fibroidium sp.) causing powdery mildew on Erigeron bonariensis L. in India
Thite SV, Shete RS, Wagh SH, Chavan CD
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 13(1), 84–86
10. Characterization of infection patterns of common bean rust (Uromyces appendiculatus) under different management practices
Bhandari S, Srivastava A
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 13(1), 87–100
11. Evaluation of cabbage varieties for resistance to clubroot pathogens, Plasmodiophora brassicae woronin in Dhankuta, Nepal
Thapa A, Bhandari S, Poudel S, Subedi S, Khanal S, Bhattarai G
Plant Pathology & Quarantine 13(1), 101–115